how does a local variable is defined using t-sql? : Transact sql
How many sql core licenses do I need?
What is a schema sql?
Name Salary Abc 50000 Abc 50000 xyz 20000 find the max salary using aggregate function?
overloading of stored procedure is possible in oracle?
what are date and time data types in mysql? : Sql dba
Is grant a ddl statement?
can i write pl/sql code in a package
In table three columns with 1 milion records(here there is no sequence values) i want add one more column with sequence values from the first how it is posible?
I have following column in the table. col1 1 a b c 2 3 d and I want to display it as num chars 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d numbers in one column and letters in another column.
What is the difference between the conventional and direct path loader? : aql loader
What is percent sign in sql?
Explain foreign key in sql?