If no size is defined while creating the database, what size will the database have?
Name the different type of indexes in sql?
what is integrated security (SSPI). why we use in the connection string?
Which is the main third-party tool used in sql server?
we have emp table like Ename,EDOJ,EDOB with Column structure.but we want to know the employee Age.How? Any Body Plz
What are the differences between DDL, DML and DCL in SQL?
0 Answers ABB, Aspire, Infogain,
Is natural join and equi join same?
What is sqlservr.exe - process - sql server (sqlex?press)?
How to check status of stored procedure in sql server?
Is t sql the same as sql server?
What is 3nf normalization form?
Should you normalize audio?
What is the difference between ddl,dml and dcl commands?
0 Answers BirlaSoft, Verifone,