What are the differences between DDL, DML and DCL in SQL?
Hi, I Created 3 Tables Person(PersID[prkey],Name,Email,Password), Project(ProjName,ProjID[prkey],ProjLeader,ProjManager) & ProjectInvolvement(EntryDate,ProjID[frkey],PersID[frkey],ProjDuration). For this how can i INSERT,UPDATE & DELETE Through PROCEDURE? Please Post the Answer for me. Desai.
How to count the number of duplicate items in a table?
Is null in sql server?
Why does sql studio use a single registered database repository? : sql server management studio
What is CTE in SQL
What is a trigger?
Explain ms sql server reporting services vs crystal reports?
What are the different types of replication are there in sql server 2000?
What should we do to copy the tables, schema and views from one SQL Server to another?
Why truncate is ddl command?
Can we use having clause without group by?
What are the requirements to use odbc connections in php scripts?