How can you know if the row fetched from cursor is still valid in underlying table?
Give an example of SQL injection attack ?
What is a View ? Can we insert, Update and delete a view?
what are questions asked in TCS for database tester (sqlserver)for 2-3 exp?
what is an extended stored procedure? Can you instantiate a com object by using t-sql? : Sql server database administration
Can I recover a damaged SQL Server 2008 database with the undamaged .mdb and .ldf files?
What is one of the first things you would do to increase performance of a query? For example, a boss tells you that ?a query that ran yesterday took 30 seconds, but today it takes 6 minutes?
2 Answers Accenture, Merrill Lynch, Wipro,
what is the difference between table and view
In performance wise distinct is good or group by is good? eg:select name from emp group by name; select distinct name from emp;
How to handle errors in Stored Procedures.
What do you understand by check constraint in sql server?
Is port 1433 secure?
Explain system views?