One of the measures taken by RBI, open market operations in order to control credit expansion in the economy means?
a solid steel rod length 2m dia and 20mm vertically hangs from celling and has a collar firmly atteched to it. above the collar an annular rubber washer of 40mm th. having stifness k = 5n/mm is placed. determine maximum stress in the rod caused by mass of 5 kg falling through a height of 1.2m.
How do I know if my windows 10 is corrupted?
What is difference between treeset hashset linkedhashset?
What does schema mean?
How can the size of statusbar be increased proportionally?
I have 2+ year of work exp in manual testing and i have good knowledge in QTP.anybody have requirement in your company please please tell me
Describe the various concepts related to object oriented programming (oop).
Which are social features introduced in sharepoint 2010?
Does .exe mean virus?
Explain what is project meta data?
Does c have function or method?
how can can column be corrected when the design is not safe ? is the increasing the clearcover a solution?
Why will you use css float?
What are the different plug-ins stages used in your projects?