How can you set the threshold at which sql server will generate keysets asynchronously?
what is differencial backup?how to work?Anybody explai it?
In performance wise distinct is good or group by is good? eg:select name from emp group by name; select distinct name from emp;
what is database replicaion? : Sql server database administration
What is the purpose of self join?
As a general practice, it is recommended to have dbo be the owner of all database objects however, in your database you find number of tables owned by a user other than dbo, how could you fix this?
Do you know the isolation level that sql server support?
Is truncate a dml command?
How do you create an execution plan?
In join, which clause in not used?
What is a join in sql?
What is database mirroring?
Explain the etl (extraction, transformation, and loading)?