What is the least restrictive isolation level? : Transact sql
How to add, remove, modify users using sql?
Why are aggregate functions called so?
How many sql are there?
What is server name sql?
What is program debugging?
How are multiple column = value pairs delimited in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement? 1. With commas (SET price = 0, status = 'I') 2. With parentheses (SET (price = 0) (status = 'I')) 3. With double-pipes (SET price = 0 || status = 'I') 4. With square-brackets (SET [price = 0] [status = 'I'] 5. With single or multiple spaces (SET price = 0 status = 'I')
Is pl sql still used?
What is a data manipulation language?
can we write stored function in out parameters? how to call through select statement? how to written more than one value plz give the exmple?
select 10 from dual; y its showing all the rows with 10?
using cursors salesman get bonus as 10% of their salary , managers get 20% , analalist get 30%. generae a report showing the employee name, salary , bonus.
Is oracle sql free?