Explain primary key and foreign key constraints?
I have all the primary data files, secondary data files as well as logs. Now, tell me can I still restore the database without having a full backup? : sql server database administration
Is t sql the same as sql server?
Can you have a nested transaction?
What is service broker? : sql server database administration
What is left outer join in sql server joins?
What does Master database contains?
Do you know what are the restrictions that views have to follow?
What are the different Authentication modes in SQL Server and how can you change authentication mode?
Tell me what is difference between view and materialized view?
How many types of objects are there?
Suppose i have a table that contains 5 columns like col1,col2...colm5.I want to import only two column through BCP utility.How to do same through BCP in sybase.
How to insert data with null values?