Explain relational data?
How do I find information about the install locations for the various instances running on a computer?
What is split brain scenario in DB mirroring?
What is the difference between Procedure and Function
4 Answers Accenture, Nagarro, TCS,
What happens when transaction log is full?
can you any body tell me which service pack is installed in the sql server?
If any possiable to use 2 primary key in single table? How many primary key & foreign key used in each table(min & max)?
How will u test the stroded procedures and functions? difference between SP and Triggers
what is the difference between sql query and google query?
When we should use @@error?
Tell me what is the order in which the sql query is executed?
When would you use it?
Tell me what is use of except clause? How it differs from not in clause?