what is the difference between sql query and google query?

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what is the difference between sql query and google query?..

Answer / sandip divate

Sql query is run against a database whereas google query is
for searching contents on internet

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what is the difference between sql query and google query?..

Answer / rahul

sql query has certain syntaxes whereas google query does
not need any syntax

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what is the difference between sql query and google query?..

Answer / ale

Google does this:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_text_search for the internet

SQL: Does this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sql

SQL is an algebra for manipulating tables. So you have
operators to select certain (projection operators) parts of
a table and operators to join tables. Remember that tables
are relations, you can talk about an algebra of relations.

Full text search is something very different, it's like the
index of a book, you look for a word and it tells you which
page to go.

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what is the difference between sql query and google query?..

Answer / tariq

Google query is a fulltext search query and is different
then normal SQL

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what is the difference between sql query and google query?..

Answer / anil kumar v

Both the meanings are same.
But the difference is SQL query is a logic or it is kind of
stored procedure for a local database.
GOOGLE query is a search engine which finds that requested
query in a web based database.

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what is the difference between sql query and google query?..

Answer / jeet

SQL query deals with relational databases but google query
deals with files that stores the indexed records.

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what is the difference between sql query and google query?..

Answer / sanjeev kumar

SQL query executes on relational database where as google
query execute on web server.

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what is the difference between sql query and google query?..

Answer / kajal

sql query is a local query ,but google query is a global

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what is the difference between sql query and google query?..

Answer / pooja

An sql query searches a database and returns a resultset
from the same.The search is based on keys.
A google query looks for web pages on the internet.The
search is based on metadata provided in the web pages.

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what is the difference between sql query and google query?..

Answer / anand


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