What is an identity column in insert statements?
How many files can a database contain in sql server?how many types of data files exists in sql server? How many of those files can exist for a single database?
What do you mean by authentication modes in sql server?
What are the new scripting capabilities of ssms? : sql server management studio
What are the different types of upgrades that can be performed in sql server?
What is difference between temp table and cte?
What is master database? : SQL Server Architecture
I applied Transactional with updatable subscriptions replication on 2 tables now i want to delete those 2 tables but i cannot delete those tables as replication is running how can i stop replication for those 2 tables(but i don't want to delete those replicated tables but i need to stop the replication) how can i do that
could u plz explain about joins and views?
Where are full-text indexes stored?
Tell me about Triggers?
CTE(common table expression)
How to insert stored procedure result into temporary table?