Explain how exception handling is done in advance pl/sql?
What is rank dense_rank and partition in sql?
What is equi join in sql?
how do you login to mysql using unix shell? : Sql dba
What will be the output of this Query? select to_char(trunc(add_months(sysdate-3),mm),mm/dd/yyyy) from dual
Talk about views
what are the different functions in sorting an array? : Sql dba
What is right join sql?
What is scalar and vector?
What are the query optimization techniques?
What is dbo in sql?
list out some tools through which we can draw e-r diagrams for mysql. : Sql dba
SELECT flavor, SUM (ice_cream_sales) FROM sales_detail GROUP BY flavor ORDER BY 2 DESC If the "sales_detail" table contains ten records with different values in the flavor column (two "vanilla," three "chocolate," four "strawberry," and one NULL), how many rows are returned by the sample code above? 1. 0 rows 2. 1 row 3. 3 rows 4. 4 rows 5. 10 rows