How will you declare a variable in qtp?
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What is the exact difference bet function and action in QTP Anybody can explain it in detail..Thanks in advance..
what is the hierachy of Descreptive programming?
Hi. I have completed B.TECH(CS) , But I will go to "SECURITY CONSOLE OPERATING" [C.C CAMERA abservation]. IF interviwer asks " Why you choose this job ?" What we will say? urgent.........................urgent...........
How to Import data from a ".xls" file to Data table during Runtime.
i'm using the qtp to test to vb appliction,i wanted to get the new application's title.i didn't want to use the winAPI to get it ,i 'd like to know whether a QTP function can do it. Eg: SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\.....","","","" 'run an application, and misure the application is activating,then how to get the hwn wihtout using windowns api
How to analyzing test results using quicktest professional?
what is the use of automation frame work ??(QTP)
How the automated tests in org
what is the script(qtp) to export and import the datas from MSaccess to Excel sheet.if anybody know plz tell me.
What are the features and benefits of Quick Test Pro(QTP)?
hi i have one issue while selecting weblist i want show one particalur item in weblist .ex one weblist they are monday to sunday i want show the reporter like thurday in particular weblist can you help me about this thanks balaji
How is recording done when a application is over lapping the QTP application it gives a message object not recorded