Hi Friends , i am very new in VB 6.0
Any body can able to help me ? i need interview question and
answer vb 6.0 . please send honeysukumar@yhaoo.com
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Answer / kumar
mail to me arimalam@hotmail.com , i am ready to answer
for any problem in vb.60
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What is a singleton linked list?
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Define Abstract method & class with Example
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SYNFOSYS PLACEMENT PAPER 2010 Hi Friends I have attended the recent synfosys test 2010. Here r some questions which i remember. Section – I 1) There are 12 balls weigh similar but one is dissimilar (more/less). How to find the dissimilar ball with minimum no of weighs? 2) There r 7people carrying 7bags. Each bag contains 7cats. Each cat has 7small cats. How many total legs r there? 3) There are 12 balls weigh similar but one is dissimilar (more/less). How to find the dissimilar ball with minimum no of weighs? 4) 5) There r 2 poles each 15 meters high. A cable of length 16 meters is tied between pillars top. For its maximum the cable lies down above 7mts high from the ground. What is the distance between pillars? ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Section -II What is the value of 11^5 Some Other quetions ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Section - III 16) Serialization and deserialization? 17) Will finally block execute even though there is an exception & return statement are there in catch block? Explain? 18) memory leak? How can we avoid it? 19) virtual destructor? 20) Two program codes for code optimization? ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Section – IV Q) Program for finding the alternate digits of the number If number is 35846 then Sum1=3+8+6=17 Sum2=5+4=9 Q) Program for Single linked list? ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Section - V Q) What is software engineering? Explain SDLC Q) Explain any two upcoming IT Scenarios? ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Regards Gopinath Allanku +91 9885457211
Can any one give an example (Source Code) on virtual function implemetation in Java?
What is the GAC? What problem does it solve?
what are stubs related to foxpro?
In Bioinformatics, a DNA sequence is made up of a combination of 4 characters, namely “A,C,G,T”. A subsequence of a given sequence of characters a0, a1, …an- 1, is any subset of the characters taken in order, of the form ai0 , ai1 ,…..aik-1 where 0 ≤ i0 <i1….< ik-1 ≤ n-1. For example in the sequence “A,C,G,T,G,T,C,A,A,A,A,T,C,G”, we can have subsequences “A,G,T”, “A,C,A,A” and many more. A subsequence is palindromic if it is the same whether read left to right or right to left. For instance, the sequence “A,C,G,T,G,T,C,A,A,A,A,T,C,G”, has many palindromic subsequences, including “A,C,G,C,A” and “A,A,A,A” (on the other hand, the subsequence “A,C,T” is not palindromic). Devise an algorithm (using dynamic programming) that takes a sequence of characters X[0 … n-1] from the alphabet set (A,C,G,T) and returns the (length of the) longest palindromic subsequence. Implement the algorithm in an appropriate language.
what is programmable BIST in today ic design
what is the work of 1tier,2tier,&ntier? Plz Explain it!
Write a shell program to test whether a given year is leap year or not ?