Why white box testing techniques are also called as clear and glass box testing teschniques?
12 19498How can you judge a Senior Manager-HR about his capabilities and the skills while interviewing ?
2 6694SYNFOSYS PLACEMENT PAPER 2010 Hi Friends I have attended the recent synfosys test 2010. Here r some questions which i remember. Section – I 1) There are 12 balls weigh similar but one is dissimilar (more/less). How to find the dissimilar ball with minimum no of weighs? 2) There r 7people carrying 7bags. Each bag contains 7cats. Each cat has 7small cats. How many total legs r there? 3) There are 12 balls weigh similar but one is dissimilar (more/less). How to find the dissimilar ball with minimum no of weighs? 4) 5) There r 2 poles each 15 meters high. A cable of length 16 meters is tied between pillars top. For its maximum the cable lies down above 7mts high from the ground. What is the distance between pillars? ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Section -II What is the value of 11^5 Some Other quetions ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Section - III 16) Serialization and deserialization? 17) Will finally block execute even though there is an exception & return statement are there in catch block? Explain? 18) memory leak? How can we avoid it? 19) virtual destructor? 20) Two program codes for code optimization? ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Section – IV Q) Program for finding the alternate digits of the number If number is 35846 then Sum1=3+8+6=17 Sum2=5+4=9 Q) Program for Single linked list? ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Section - V Q) What is software engineering? Explain SDLC Q) Explain any two upcoming IT Scenarios? ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Regards Gopinath Allanku +91 9885457211
2 6408Post New synfosys Interview Questions
What is the difference between left outer join and left join?
What is the maximum timeout we can set for Cookies?
how to enter binary numbers in sql statements? : Sql dba
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Can you explain the core methods of a reducer?
From a strategic perspective, how can senior management make the best use of the human resorce function?
How you build a project using Developer Studio?
Calculate rise delay of a 3-input NAND gate driving a 3-input NOR gate through a 6mm long and 0.45m wide metal wire with sheet resistance R = 0.065 / and Cpermicron= 0.25 fF/m. The resistance and capacitance of the unit NMOS are 6.5k and 2.5fF. Use a 3 segment -model for the wire. Consider PMOS and NMOS size of reference inverter as 2 and 1 respectively. Use appropriate sizing for the NAND and NOR gate.
What is entitymanager in java?
Do you want to ask us something about the company?
1.what is the vesition managment.
Define multicast delegate in c#?
What is the angle between the hour hand and minute hand in an analog clock?
How do I use function keys?