What is the difference between having and a where in sql?
What are the indexing methods?
how many triggers are allowed in mysql table? : Sql dba
what is the command for user data type?
what is oltp (online transaction processing)? : Sql dba
How do we tune the code?
What is the difference between DELETE, TRUNCATE, and DROP?
Is join same as left join?
What do you know by pl/sql cursors?
How to fetch records from a partitioned table?
How many types of cursors supported in pl/sql?
Are pl sql variables case sensitive?
declare lowerl number:= 1; upperl number:= 3; num varchar2(10); begin for i into lowerl..upperl loop num:=num||to_char(lowerl); if i=3 then upperl:=5; end loop; message(num); What will be the output ?