difference between cursor and procedure in a package
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Answer / avi007
1 cursor is small memory area to perform selection on the
one or more table.
2 cursor is a variable which is 2 dimentional array, it is
handling, storing and processin multiple rows.
3 storing data temporarily.
4 fetching rows from top to bottom.
5 fetching row one at a time.
procedure -
1 procedure is an object of database.
2 need to compile and execute.
3 dml operation performed in the block.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 33 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / vaibhavi_dixit
Whenever a statement is send by user to Oracle server for
execution, a memory is allocated in which the statement is
executed,records are fetched and send back to user.Once
records are sent the memory is deallocated.This memory area
is know as implicit cursors and the selected records are
known as "Active set".Implicit cursors are handled by
Oracle and user does not have control on it.But in case user
(programmer) needs to have control then one can declare
explicit cursors.In Explicit cursors, cursor is
declared,when it is opened, the stament is executed, and
the data is fetched in memory.The records will remain in
memory, till programmer does not close the cursor.The
advantage of this is ,one can select 'n' no of records and
fetch one by one.Also one can pass parameters to cursors
for getting new set of records.
Procedure is nothing but named PL/SQL block which can be
individually executed or can be called from other procedure
or function.It is stored as an object in database schema.
One can acheive polymorphism in procedures if they are a
part of package.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 24 Yes | 9 No |
Answer / a.jyothsna
Cursors in package should have a return type
Whereas for the procedures it's not required
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 12 No |
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