How can you differentiate between powercenter and power map?
The structure of source file is as below: Source structure(two fields) Name, Card NUmber A, 111111111(SSN) A, 01010101(Creditcard number) A, 34343434(Debit card number) B, 55555555(Creditcard number) C, 77777777(Debit card number) Target Structure(4 fields) Name,Credit card,SSN,Debit card A,01010101,111111111, 34343434 B,55555555,, C,,,77777777 Corresponding to one name there can be maximum 3 rows and minimum zero rows. Given that I do not know which record might have a particular type of number. How can I handle above requirement with informatica transformations?
Explain the different dimensions.
what is correlated query?
What are the advantages of informatica?
To Provide Support For Mainframes Source Data, which Files Are Used As A Source Definitions?
Explain the types of lookup transformation?
What is data caches/ index caches?
Separate from an archive server and a powerhouse?
I have one source table and three target tables. When the session runs for the first time involving the mapping,i want that the loading should take place in 1st Target table only. The 2nd time the same session runs the loading should take place in 2nd Target only only and similarly when the session runs for the 3rd time loading should take place in Third only. And again when the session runs for the 4th time loading should take place in 1st Target table.
what is lookupoverriding?
How many number of sessions that u can create in a batch?
how lookup is acting as both active and passive ? how is it possitble?