What are the properties of a transaction?
How to sort the rows in sql.
Is it possible to read/write files to-and-from PL/SQL?
write an sql query to get third maximum salary of an employee from a table named employee_table. : Sql dba
define sql update statement ? : Sql dba
What does “select count(*) from tab” result?
15 Answers IBM, Student, Wipro,
what is innodb? : Sql dba
Which query operators in sql is used for pattern matching?
What is the unique index?
Is crud a cuss word?
What are the two types of exceptions.
How to create a table using constraints... IF i change the PARENT KEY value ,then CHILD KEY table will also to change in the another table... plz reply ur answers @ mak2786@gmail.com Arunkumar
How does sql store data?