Write a sql select query that only returns each name only once from a table?
Is natural join same as inner join?
How to convert comma separated string to array in pl/sql?
Define implicit and explicit cursors.
How can we implement rollback or commit statement in a trigger?
column A column b | output 10 7 | 10 5 8 | 8 7 -9 | 7 3 5 | 5 0 6 | 6 Write a sql query to print such output.
Explain how exception handling is done in advance pl/sql?
How many sql databases can you have on one server?
how do you control the max size of a heap table? : Sql dba
sql query to get zero records from a table having n no of records
What operating systems are supported by oracle sql developer?
What is the first action to perform a query? Suppose I have four tables and five joins and my query is getting slow day by day.
How you improve the performance of sql*loader? : aql loader