What is a view and what are its advantages?
What are the differences between local and global temporary tables?
Difference between primary key and clustered index?
Mention a few common trace flags used with sql server?
Do you think BCNF is better than 2NF & 3NF? Why?
What do you mean by an execution plan?
How to convert a unicode strings to non-unicode strings?
How sql server executes a statement with nested subqueries?
hi ..i am working as a sql dba.....now i want to learn more about t-sql..... is it possible to learn online.... plz refer any site ..thankq
What is the difference between createstatement and preparedstatement?
What are the five major components of a dbms?
Call by value and call by reference in procedure and function, with NOCOPY.
What are the different types of joins and what does each do?