Can there be more than one function with a similar name in a pl/sql block?
What are the limitations of sql express?
What is sql mysql pl sql oracle?
what are set operators in sql? : Sql dba
Why does %isopen return false for an implicit cursor?
How do I order by ascending in sql?
I have 2 Databases. How can create a table in particular database? How can i know the list of tables presented each database?( in oracle 10g)
How to assign sql query results to pl sql variables?
How to download oracle sql developer?
Differentiate between sga and pga.
Is join and inner join the same?
declare lowerl number:= 1; upperl number:= 3; num varchar2(10); begin for i into lowerl..upperl loop num:=num||to_char(lowerl); if i=3 then upperl:=5; end loop; message(num); What will be the output ?
How to use transactions efficiently : transact sql