Differences between business objects and web intelligence reports?
1. What is the difference between in creating filters in designer and business objects? 2.How did u give a developed universe to your client? 3.If i want to grant access to a report to a group of users,how do i do?
Which command using Query Analyzer will give you the version of SQL server and operating system ?
Can Bo generates the Report from the cubical data Explain?
what is incompactabulity error in sap bo
Can we configure two instances of CMS pointing to two different CMS system databases?
Can we use two different sources in webirich client to create A report ? Like universe and excel etc...
Hi Can anyone tell me what is Divergence in Business Object Universe Designer. Thanks, Sheik
Hi , iam beginer in the Boxi . I am getting errors when i applying the @promtps and functions. I want alredy created universe and i absorve the things how those were applied . is it possible to get it throug internet? if it is possible could u plz help me? anandh1110@gmail.com
Can anybody explain me the following Authodications? Enterprise,LDAP,Standalone,Windows AD and Windows NT ?
What is report template in b.o?
What is meant by data federator and what is the use of it?
What are the Users and User groups?