How to use procedural logic inside infromatica?
Can we insert and update a target table without using update strategy transformation?How?
Filter transformation in the condition one of the data is NULL would the record be dropped.
Hi experts ,I have a Source of 1000 records.I have to load 100 records in first target,101 to 200 records in 2nd target, 201 to 300 records in 3rd target and again 301 to 400 in first target like that as cyclick process. How can i acheive this.
Can anyone tell me, when a flat file contains different kinds of delimeters available for each line ( For Ex: First line contains [,*&#$] and second line contains [%@$#%^]. Like that all records having different kinds of delimeters. How can we implement this kind of flat file in informatica?
write a query to follwoing table amount year quarter 254556 2003 first 546332 2003 second 129034 2003 third 490223 2003 fourth 165768 2004 first 265443 2004 second 510412 2004 third 435690 2004 fourth i want the output year q1_amount q2_amount q3_amount q4_amount 2003 254556 546332 129034 490223 2004 165768 265443 510412 435690
What are the different options used to configure the sequential batches?
How to display session logs based upon particular dates. If I want to display session logs for 1 week from a particular date how can I do it without using unix.
what is the dashbords?
What do you understand by term role-playing dimension?
In router source is a boy age 20 I given 3 conditions in router a>20, a<=20, a=20 which one exit first?
Can a joiner be used in a mapplet.
What is complex mapping?