Can we declare a column having number data type and its scale is larger than pricesionex: column_name number(10,100),column_name numbaer(10,-84)
What makes a good primary key?
Why stored procedure is better than query?
how to shutdown mysql server? : Sql dba
How to create a table using constraints... IF i change the PARENT KEY value ,then CHILD KEY table will also to change in the another table... plz reply ur answers @ Arunkumar
what does the t-sql command ident_current does? : Transact sql
how to achieve this problem?i am having table with two colums like empno,gender. in gender column, i am having records male,female like that .my final output will be male female 5 6
How do we use distinct statement? What is its use?
What is the use of time stamp in select statement?
how to use case expression? : Sql dba
name 3 ways to get an accurate count of the number of records in a table? : Sql dba
What is dense_rank?
Can we create table inside stored procedure?