How run sql*plus commands that are stored in a local file?
How do you bind variables in pl sql?
What's the difference between inner join and left join?
What does cursor do in sql?
How to process query result in pl/sql?
How do you add a column to a table?
How do I add a primary key to a table?
How to find last day of the month in sql query
Explain unique key in sql.
Which clause of an UPDATE statement allows you to affect only certain rows of a table? 1. The WHERE clause 2. The SET clause 3. The ROWS AFFECTED clause 4. The ORDER BY clause
Does pl sql work in mysql?
How to export the table data (this table having 18 million records) to .csv file. Please tell me is there any faster way to export the data.
What is the difference between sql/pl-sql/embeded sql?