Explain unique key in sql.
what is sp_pkeys? : Transact sql
What is the first action to perform a query? Suppose I have four tables and five joins and my query is getting slow day by day.
What jobs use sql?
What is posting?
Create table emp (id number(9), name varchar2(20),salary number(9,2)); The table has 100 records after table created.Now i nee to change id's Datatype is to be Varchar2(15). now Alter table emp modify(id varchar2(15),name varchar2(20), salary number(9,2)); Whether it will work or returns error? post answer with explanation.
What is having clause in sql?
Does asenumerable execute the query?
Does inner join remove duplicates?
Can we commit inside a trigger?
What is dynamic query?
Explain normalization and what are the advantages of it?
What is multiple partition?