What is normalization? Explain different forms of normalization?
What number aggregate functions are accessible there in sql?
Explain try...catch with sql server?
How to find related tables in sql server?
What does the on delete cascade option do?
How to find which stored procedure is currently running in sql server?
What is the difference between a clustered index and a non-clustered index?
How do I find the sql server instance name?
How do we rollback the table data in SQL Server
What are data resources?
i have table students with fields classname,studname select * from students classname studname 1 xxxxx 1 yyyy 1 zzzz 2 qqqq 2 tttt 3 dsds 3 www i want the output should be No of students in class 1 : 3 No of students in class 2 : 2 No of students in class 3 : 2
What are the results of running this script?
Which data type columns are the best candidates for full-text indexing?