what is difference between procedure and function
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Answer / p.rajasekar
1.Function Always Return values
2.We can call the function in select Query
3.We can return more than one values using Out put
4.Genrally we can use function as calculatevalues
5.We can insert,update or delte value with the help
function in a select query
1.Procedure doesnot always return value
2.We can't call procedure in Select query
3.We can return more than one value using Out put
parameters in procedure
4.Genarally procudures are using as business logic
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / a.jyothsna
1) function can be executed using the sql command
(Ex: select functin_name(args)from dual;)
Procedure can be executed using sql+ command
(Ex: exec procedure_name(args))
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Answer / suresh
Function is return the value
procedure is not return the value
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Answer / monalisa dalbehera
Function always return a single value
Procedure may or may not return a value.
A procedure can return more than one value by using out
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Answer / nannesaheb chinthalacheruvu
Procedure :
->Procedure is a Named PL/SQL Block which can be stored in
Database in compile form.
->Procedure is used to execute the Perticular task.
->Procedure Does not required RETURN clause.
->Procedure Does not Return value
->It is not posible to execute using SQL statements.
->Procedures can be execute using a)Execute/Call,b)Anonymous
Function :
->Function is a Named PL/SQL Block Which can be Stored in
Database in Compile Form.
->Function is used for Calculation Perpose.
->Fuction Does Contains RETURN Type
->Fuction Can Return only One Value.
->Fuction can Execute using SQL Statements when We can not
Perform any DML Operations in Function.
->Using Out Mode Parameters we can Return Multiple Records
in Function.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / shanmukha srinivas
procedure can run in sql block like
sp_procedure_name(input parameters);
function can run in sql block like
select sf_function_name(input paramters)
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Answer / aditi yadav
in addition to above answers -
1. Functions can be called inside procedure but procedure cannot be called inside functons.
2. Functions compiled every time when we call them whereas procedure compiles only once & can be called again and again without being compiled.
3. we can user functions in select statement but cannot use procedure.
4. Inside function we cannot user DML commands but inside procedures we can use DML commands.
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Answer / subhendu
Functions called from SQL have special restrictions:
Accept only IN parameters
cannot contain DML
cannot contain DDL - implies COMMIT
Accept and return only SQL datatypes (not PL/SQL
specific datatypes)
Must use positional notation
Must own or have EXECUTE privilege
Cannot contain transactional or session control
statements (eg. COMMIT, ROLLBACK, ALTER)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / shyam katwal
The only difference between procedure and function is:
Function returns a value
Procedure does not return a value
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / k.sharada
procedure returns a value and function do not.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 4 No |
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