What is the best style for code layout in c?
What is scope and lifetime of a variable in c?
what is the output? #define fun(a,b,t) (g ##t=(a),(a)=(b),(b)=g##t) float gfloat; main() { float a=1.12,b=3.14; fun (a,b,float); printf("na=%4.2f,b=%4.2f",a,b); } A)Error in Defining Macro B)a=1.12,b=3.14 C)a=3.14,b=1.12 D)None of the Above
3 Answers Accenture, Infosys, Wipro,
How can I get random integers in a certain range?
What are integer variable, floating-point variable and character variable?
What is the difference between fread buffer() and fwrite buffer()?
WAP to find that given no is small or capital
write a program to reverse a every alternetive words in a string in a place. EX: Input is "this is the line of text" Output should be "shit is eht line fo text" Please any one tell me code for that.
Explain is it valid to address one element beyond the end of an array?
what is constant pointer?
What is the output for the following program #include<stdio.h> main() { char a[5][5],flag; a[0][0]='A'; flag=((a==*a)&&(*a==a[0])); printf("%d\n",flag); }
What are the __date__ and __time__ preprocessor commands?
What is the code for 3 questions and answer check in VisualBasic.Net?