What are pros and cons of automating tests at ui layer?
how to know whether the user information or any other information which is entered in to the web is storing in secured place or non secured place?
What are the types of framework used in software automation testing ?
How do you decide which tool you have to use?
What is vendor tool and give examples?
Tell us how do you get the width of the textbox?
how to import specifically 2nd column elements to runtime datatable in excel sheet if it contains 3 columns
How do we Test the C++ and Unix Application Using Automated Tool.
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22. Scenario: There are 1 to 100 numbers. Each number should be keep in the each column like from A column to Z column ie 1 to 26. From 27 to 52 should be in 2nd row in the excel sheet. This has to be continue till 100. How do you write Java program and what are various methods.
Tell me what criteria do you consider for automating a test?
What are the limitations of automating software testing?
what testing activity you may want to automate?