List out some of the automation tools which could be integrated with selenium to achieve continuous testing.
Hi every body.. Whn i install QC 9.2 in window xp sp2 it ll show the error msg as it will nt support. How can i install in this OS.. Plz plz help me and i installed IIS and oracle 8i.. Plz Plz help me for this one
I am looking for selenium RC Training in Hyderabad. can any one tell me the best institute ?
test cases test wheather window? test cases to test calculaor? test cases to test a reverse string program? test cases to test program{ int.parse(sting str) $return (int)}? test cases to test program{display string length}?
How to login into any site if it's showing any authentication pop-up for username and password?
How is Jmeter tool very useful in projects when it does not have features like online monitoring,WAN emulation,caching like other performance tools.
What is Test strategy documents.
what is dynamic window and dynamic model ? (worksoft automation tool)
what is nTier Architecture understanding what is Microsoft, ASP and SQL understanding what is Web Application and eCommerce application understanding what is Unit, System, Regression, FAT testing ? Test Automation and Test Script Authoring
What testing activities you may want to automate?
wat is database to develop data driven framework in selenium enviromnent. please explaing in detail
What factors determine the effectiveness of automation testing?
On what basis you can map the success of automation testing?