Have you completed the cps exam? Which one?
Explain me what is testng and why is it better than junit?
why should we choose VSTET(Visual Studio Team Edition for Testers) and not QTP?pleas give me the reasons for "WHY" we have web and client server app, supports power builder and on windows OS so this is the background of tech and envir things we have and now VSTET is good to use or not? if "NO" then tell me why
how many clients are using this application?
Write a query to find second highest salary of an employee.
72 Answers ABC, Cognizant, MegaSoft, Netwin Infosolutions, Nippon, Polaris, Satyam, SGS, TCS, Verisoft,
1.Which functinalities of QTP using in onlinebanking system? 2.in lift which kind of testing you perform? 3.how do you test money is transform from one account to another account in online banking?
Does automation replace manual testing?
Which institute is good for testing tools course in HYD?
Can the activities of test case design be automated?
Is there any freeware tool for automation testing of mobile applications for BlackBerry and iPhone platforms ?
How to check if an element is visible on the page?
Bug report formate in bugzilla
I want to learn the data base testing, how can I start my psactice? I already reading the books of basic for data base? If any other books that make my study simple please suggest.