I want to learn the data base testing, how can I start my
psactice? I already reading the books of basic for data
base? If any other books that make my study simple please
Please name a couple of standard web function found in the function generator?
what is aom and how to add object repository? i am very new to QTP please help me
i am living in pune.from 2 months i am searching s/w testing class.but i am confuse which is the good.please send me reply who complete their testing course..i want where teaching is very good & give real project.because many insti.assured placement & real time project,but after addmission it will not be true.so send me reply.i also confuse where i put my query.i hope so,will get reply soon
Is automation testing a complete replacement for manual software testing?
Simplify the term defect severity.
How to find that tools work well with your existing system?
Which test cases can be automated?
What do you think holds the testers back to do automation? Is there a way to overcome it?
Explain me what are the main advantages of automation testing?
What is javascriptexecutor and in which cases javascriptexecutor will help in selenium automation?
Can any one give information on "Content Disposition" in TEST COMPLETE automation tool? mail me to pdamarakonda@smart-bridge.co.in call me to 09849423932
how we start automation testing in company?is there any document for it?what are the differnt fields contains in Automation plan?