How to drop an existing stored procedure in ms sql server?
Can a cursor be updated? If yes, how you can protect which columns are updated?
is there more the two primary key in a single table?
26 Answers Eforce, Systematix,
What are the different types of joins and what does each do?
How does normalization work?
Why can there be only one clustered index and not more than one?
The Difference between 'Count' and 'Count(*)'
To find second largest salary in Employee table
How do I find the default sql server instance?
What is user-defined function? Explain its types i.e. Scalar and inline table value user-defined function?
Explain the various types of concurrency problem. I.e. Lost or buried updates, uncommitted dependency, inconsistent analysis, phantom read?
How to genrate automaticlly empid like gt001
What is for xml in sql server?