How to bind a view to the schema of the underlying tables?
let's assume you have data that resides on sql server 6.5. You have to move it sql server 7.0. How are you going to do it? : Sql server database administration
How to skip remaining statements in a loop block using continue statements?
1. What are the grouping function in SQL ? 2. If base table of a view deleted means, what will happen while we querying on view ? will give any error ? 3. Difference between DROP, DELETE, TRUNCATE table ? 4. What is constraints and types ? 5. What is max size of nchar & nvarchar ? 6. Define ROLLBACK, COMMIT, SAVE POINT 7. How non-clustered better ? or rank the Clustered, Non-Clustered and Table scan in performance wise 8. Select 10 rows from a table ? 9. Define DML, DDL, DCL, DTL commands ? 10. What is mean by NULL value ? NULL means "" or 0 or undefined ? 11. Default constraints ? 12. Can we have more then primary Key in table ? 13. Type of integrity ? Entity, Referential, Domain ?
What is Sqlpaging in SqlServer 2005 ?
we have emp table like Ename,EDOJ,EDOB with Column structure.but we want to know the employee Age.How? Any Body Plz
What is standby servers? Explain types of standby servers.
What is purpose of normalization?
what is new philosophy for database devises for sql server 7.0? : Sql server database administration
how would you write a sql query to compute a frequency table of a certain attribute involving two joins? What changes would you need to make if you want to order by or group by some attribute? What would you do to account for nulls?
How raid can influence database performance?
To which devices can a backup be created and where should these devices be located? : sql server management studio
What is buffer cash and log cache in sql server?