What happens if you add a new index to large table?
Define magic tables in sql server?
Explain what are partitioned views and distributed partitioned views?
What are the different acid properties?
Hi, I Created 3 Tables Person(PersID[prkey],Name,Email,Password), Project(ProjName,ProjID[prkey],ProjLeader,ProjManager) & ProjectInvolvement(EntryDate,ProjID[frkey],PersID[frkey],ProjDuration). For this how can i INSERT,UPDATE & DELETE Through PROCEDURE? Please Post the Answer for me. Desai.
can an order by clause be used in a creation of a view?
What is an indice?
What is the native system stored procedure to execute a command against all databases?
when u import an excel file into sql if suppose one column has got a date field with system time attached to it what data type u will use in sql to import it in a table? Note: a condition is the excel file has no primary key defined to a column...also u r importing bulk data into sql
How to enter date and time literals in ms sql server?
What is the difference between a function and a trigger?
What are the types of containers in ssis?
Difference between report and query parameter.