What is difference between stored procedure and user defined function?
What are the types of model in sql server and explain
What will happen when a Rollback statement is executed inside a trigger?
1 Answers Flextronics, Hexaware,
diffrence between function and procedure
What is a transact-sql statement?
in tabase table having a column in it empname field is there which having 5 duplicate values is there i want deleted all the duplicates i want showing only one name only.
How to provide values to stored procedure parameters in ms sql server?
How to update muliple row in single query?
Write a query for primary key constraint with identity key word?
Explain the concepts and capabilities of sql server?
What is the difference between rank and dense_rank?
What are the results of running this script?
What are actions, how many types of actions are there, explain with example? : sql server analysis services, ssas