How to select some specific rows from a table in ms sql server?
What are the tool windows in sql server management studio? : sql server management studio
How can you control the amount of free space in your index pages?
can you any body tell me why are go for the rebuild the master database.what is the reason?
What is Query Execution Plan? How does it help optimize or tune a database driven application?
How do you use DBCC statements to monitor various aspects of a SQL server installation?
what purpose does OPENXML clause have in sql server stored procedure?
Can anyone explain difference between Database, Data warehouse and Data mart with some example?````
Can you pass expressions to function parameters?
What is transaction server auto commit?
How to update a field in SQL after ALTERING a row?
What are the advantages of using stored procedures in sql server?
What is the purpose of object explorer and its features? : sql server management studio