What are the streamlined sales and use tax agreement?
We are a UK company selling electronic s/w licenses to customer in India. We have a PAN Number. Why is TDS being deducted on a product? Why is TDS calculated on the invoice value - surely it is supposed to be on Income and not Turnover? What is the correct TDS % deduction?
Rent is 50000 and service tax is 6180 what is the tds amount?
How many heads are there under total income? Name them.
what is exice duty & what are the exicesable goods
What is Tax Audit ? Brief description please
How to prepare a vat return in Gujarat for firm
what is the difference between CST, VAT, SALES TAX, EXCISE DUTY, CUSTOMS DUTY
15 Answers Bhushan Power Steel, Chill Land, ITC Infotech, Valeo Lighting Systems India Private Limited,
if salary paid per month Rs 80000/ I will deduct TDS from his salary, please what I do explain.(send Urgently)
which value we will take in c- form to issuing c- form any party basic value or basci+ tax plz ans..............
taxes leivied on carpentar & plumbing services
The value of the tax invoice is lesser than the value on the state permit. Is this acceptable.
what is tds and what is what is the current rate of tds on payment of contract and payment of professional charges