What is step down chopper?
What is the gross data rate of GSM?
why we can give omega symbolto resistor? is there any spesific reason?
what is diffractive quality factor?
Explain the toggle state in JKMS FF.
What is normal radiation field out side the reactor building?
My lcd monitor not showing boot screen[dos]. Whenever I start the pc it shows blank screen till the windows xp starts. will you help me to solve this ?
why -48V is used in BTS?
How many carrier frequencies are there in GSM-900/DCS-1800? How much is the separation between the carrier frequencies?
how to convert thermometer code in to binary??pls send for 2 bit design???
I am a fresher and i have done testing course from orbit institute hyd.can any1 say me whether it is necessary to do project in testing.if it is that which is best institute in hyd.can you please inform me if there is any job 4 freshers.thanxs
what is colur code of resistor value 5.6kohms
what is the use of choke and starter in the tubelight?