What is forced commutation?
minimum,maximum values of s12 in lossless & lossy txline?
how can we get the output of half adder by using 555 timer circuit,give it desired circuit diagram
The function of a transistor used in any of the ics is to perform switching action and not amplification. Then why diodes are not used instead of transistors as diodes also exhibit the same switching action?
main() { int a=4,b=2; a=b<<a + b>>2; printf("%d", a);
What is cut-off frequency?
What the diffrence between distortion,interferance,noise&error
Explain radio environment in building.
What are the applications of ac voltage controllers?
Explain the difference between JK Flip Flop and Master slave JK Flip flop.
Mention some of the applications of controlled rectifier?
Explain the working of fir filters?
Insights of tri-state inverters?