what is amplifier?
What is auadag?
dmrc entrance exam papers
What is single input output interface? How it is different from single ended interface?
Which power supply card required for Ultra BTS for AC 230 V input Which power supply card required for Ultra BTS for DC -48V
i have been filled the form of AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF INDIA for ATC & ELECTRONICS but this is may i did'nt got exam date .when it will conduct.
Explain the difference between dcs & plc & scada?
why do we need time domain & frequency domain.Differentiate between them.
what is the diff between UPS and Inverter
what kind of problem arise when two host share same Harware address?
in 8051 micro-controller is it must necessary using external oscillator ? shall we continue without oscillator for simple logic purpose?
What is a diode in reference to electronics?
how can i prepare for campus placement?