Define what is point contact diode?
d/f between windows 2000 and 2003 os
When transmitting digital signals is it necessary to transmit some harmonics in addition to fundamental frequency?
what is the significance of 4-20ma signal in hart protocol
2 Answers IBM, Wizard Electronics,
please send the last 5 years {{{JUNIOR ENGINEER - ELECTICAL, ELECTRONICS RRB CHENNAI}}} TECHNICAL question papers TO MY EMAIL ID I AM BE APPEARING STUDENT CAN I FILL THE FORM OF SECTION ENGG i have to face written test of rrb for the post of J.E (signal), so please send me the old/model question papers for this post to my e-mail ? electronics).for tecnical test question which book is preferred. Railway recruitment board (Changighar examination 2006 & 2005&2004 question papers. Wtion to Your Friend] RRB which book I have to refer?
mnemonics can also be called?
1. What is leakage current? 2. Transistor VI characters? Explain. 3. What is dc load line? 4. Differential amplifier circuit. 5. Recursive interrupts. 6. Diagram case microcontroller and Eprom 7. Use of grey code? 8. Design counter from 1 to 11. 9. Characteristic impedence?Z0 value of probe used in lab. 10. 3 input TTL logic. 11. What is Pseudo random sequence? Why it is called so? 12. What is stack? 13. Different types of voltage regulation?
which is the device working in the three logic levels
What are the limitations of the basic integrator circuit?
Dear concern Plz provide me the solved papers of Railway section engineer in signal...
State the different types of flip flop and their uses?
Which channel is used for SMS?
Define peak inverse voltage?