Why are active filters preferred
plz provide me all previous HPCL examination papers of electronics and communication branch.
Name one microprocessor that works in the same way as that of intel 8085 but of another company.
When a sample of germanium and silicon having same impurity density are kept at room temperature then resistivity of silicon will be higher than that of germanium, why?
What does ce mean. You will see it on almost every chip(ic)?
What are your greatest strength and weakness as an individual relating to your official assignments?
What are the different methods of firing circuits for line commutated converter?
16 Answers Avanceon, BMW, Sony, Usha Martin,
How the cellular phone is working?
what is the use of -3 db frequency?& why does it exist in filters?
Explain the importance of if in radio receiver?
What do you understand by leds?
Can someone guide me about the written test paper pattern for s/w engg having exp of more than 3yrs.will it be technical or aptitiude?