What is meant by the deflection sensitivity of a cro?
What is meant by IMSI, TMSI, IMEI and MS-ISDN? Why they are needed?
what is the features of GSM Technology and CDMA technology
plz tell me the syllabus for airport authority of india recruitment for the post of Jr. electronics engineer.let me know whether written test will be a aptitude test or technical??
1.Introduce yourself by telling your name ,SSC,HSC, degree marks n colleges,something about your family and interests. 2.Tell about your favourite subjects. 3.Tell how satelite communication works? 4.what you mean by handoffs in mobile communication.tel its types. 5.what you mean by signal fading?tell the factors affecting it and also tell the remedies to avoid it. 6.why the microwaves are used? 7.Draw the GSM architecture? 8.What u mean by Antenna?What are its basic components? 9.why you are interested to work in this company? 10.can you work anywhere anytime as per the our need?
can we calculate the voltage level for microwave energy which is using for our mobile communication?
what is operating point?
Differentiate between intrinsic semiconductors and intrinsic semiconductors?
what is the use of rms value ,crest factor , Q- factor,form factor
i cleared the written xam. for the post of atc now what i am going to prepare for the interview plz.guide me i dnt wanna loose this organisation bcoz its my dream company
0 Answers AAI Airports Authority Of India,
What is a diagnostic system check?
What are the operation of igbt?
how to fall in love?