What is recovery scenario manager? When you go for recovery scenario manager? Tell me one scenario were your used recovery scenario in your project?
if anyone has idea of the interview procedure in covansys, plz send me a mail?
What is the recovery scenario in qtp?
How can we change(increase or decrease)the size of a array variable with out loosing the previous values
1 Answers DST Global Solutions,
synchronization, wait,wait Property?
Waht is diff between SystemUtil.Run and invokeapplication
How to Analyze the Checpoint results by Standard Checpoint?
whaht is the difference between CLASS & OBJECT?
where we are going to write the descriptive programming.for example we are invoking qtp application where we are going to write that code
Hi I know two types of testing processes. 1. Reaquirments stage,test design,code review's, Design review's, Test Plan, Test Cases design, test execution, Defect Reporting and tracking, UAT, Signoff. 2.Test Initiation , Test Plan, Test Design, Execution,Bug tracking, UAT, Sign off.
in qtp if we record a object and we record the object using virtual wizard then by which way the object is recognized that means recorded
please tellme ordernal identifiers in QTP?