How does qtp identify objects in the application?
What is a data driven test in qtp?
write string reverse prog using vb script with out using string reverse statement();
How to record a qtp script ?
What is the standard timing delay for web based application in qtp?
How to test login module with different username and password by using data driven testing in QTP?
What is the process for creating an automated test script using QTP assuming you have reviewed the manual test case and understand the requirements?
How to Creating an Output Value using QTP?
What r types of parametarizations?
what is the difference between the modular framework and datadriven frame work
How to save your test using quicktest professional (qtp)?
In an interview, what r the general questions asked in QTP? pls give me anwser to this question?
What will be the output of the statements below? On error Resume Next Sum 100/0 if Sum= 0 Then msgbox "Pass" else msgbox "Fail" End If