Can you tell me some of the common replication dmv's and their use? : sql server replication
What are the diifferences between the ms sql server vs mysql?
what is syntex second or third highest salary. thanks & Regards Dhirendra sinha
What is the datatype of rowid?
What is difference between line feed ( ) and carriage return ( )?
How to check what was the last restore transaction LSN on Log-Shipping and Mirroring when we doesn't have a Monitor server and Witness server?
What is the maximum size of column in sql server?
role of sql sever 2005 in database rather than any other database
How to create nested stored procedure?
How To Change Column Ordinal Position in SQL Server 2005 using Query i.e I Want To Add Column at Particular Ordinal Position in SQL Server 2005
Which databases are part of SQL server default installation? Explain the usage of each?
Explain what are page splits? : SQL Server Architecture
Find top Nth employee from each department in terms of salary?