What are translations and its use? : sql server analysis services, ssas
hi, may i know what is the command to get abstract the current month, current year and current day from a given date.i want these three in a isolated way..seperatedly is that any way in sql server 2000
How to connect ms access to sql servers through odbc?
what is the output for this query select * from employee where 1=1;
what is database replication? : Sql server database administration
How to find related tables in sql server?
What are truncate options available in sql server? : sql server database administration
What is transact-sql ddl trigger?
how to copy only distinct data into another table which is not already exist in database?
Tell me can we use custom code in ssrs?
How you trouble shoot when any job fails
What is the sql profiler?
What is Left Outer Join?